Mastering Leadership Initiative

Custom Designed Online Leadership Development Programs

A Customized Approach for Developing Effective Leadership In Your Organization

“Jonathan’s coaching has helped transform our organization from a survival-based, control and dominate culture to one that is engaged in producing results which benefit everyone on the team, both professionally and personally. We have succeeded in ways we previously thought impossible.”

Leadership Development In Your Organization

To affect the performance of an organization, the actions of individuals must change. If  individual actions remain unaffected, meaningful change is not a possibility. Leadership, and particularly transformational leadership, is what is takes to build an environment that fosters authentic commitment and organically conducts individuals into highly effective, collobarative actions.

Customized To Your Business & Schedule

We are committed to radically uplifting performance in your organization. This requires new ways of thinking, new conversations and new capabilities. Our conversations will help reveal what matters most for your company and design a custom leadership program that considers the specific needs of your organization.

A Methodology Endorsed by Harvard Business School

The methodology employed in this program is endorsed by the Harvard Business School and was developed by leading thinkers, philosophers and educators over the last decade who came together to produce a breakthrough in developing leaders.

We Are Committed To Breakthrough Performance In Your Organization

It is the job of an effective leader to make something happen that wasn’t going to happen anyway, to support the creation of a highly desirable future and then bring that future into reality, while at the same time leaving the people involved empowered and appreciated.

Effective leadership does not come from mere knowledge about what leaders do, or the characteristics or styles of noteworthy leaders, and certainly not from merely being in a leadership position, or position of authority.

We present a unique approach to creating leaders in that it does not focus on concepts, but rather the as-lived experience of being a leader.

The methodology employed in this program is endorsed by the Harvard Business School and was developed by leading thinkers, philosophers and educators over the last decade who came together to produce a breakthrough in developing leaders.

This program is unlike any other leadership development program currently being offered in universities or to the public.

About Jonathan Clark

Jonathan Clark is one of the nation’s most effective leadership development coaches. He has coached over 700 of the top executives, directors and managers at Panera Bread, a leader in the fast-casual dining industry. His company’s leadership development services create an exceptionally powerful framework that deals with the real drivers of performance (people & culture) and activates incredible energy and emotion towards a company’s mission.

Early in his career, Jonathan used his leadership development methodology to create breakout tennis charity events with Andre Agassi and John McEnroe in Washington, D.C., benefiting the Hunger Project, resulting in his “Point of Light” designation from President George H. W. Bush and a recognition by Peter Jennings as “Person of the Week” on ABC World News Tonight for his contribution to ending world hunger.

​Today, Jonathan specializes in creating organizational leadership initiatives across industries to bring out the creativity, talent and collaboration of their people in ways that catapult their companies to optimal performance.

founder of Coriolis Consulting, Jonathan Clark is a professional business leadership consultant and speaker

How It Works

Schedule a Call

Reach out and contact us to schedule a 30 minute free consultation with Jonathan Clark. Let’s talk about your business and goals and start working together on a highly desirable created future.

Discover Your Goals

Our conversation that will reveal what its working and not working about your current work culture. We will identify key areas where breakdowns and breakthroughs need to occur in your business.

Customize Your Plan

Our team will structure a program specifically for your business. We come to you, in a timeframe that works for your schedule and provide hands-on training to you and your executives and partners.

Companies We’ve Worked With

 Schedule A Consultation Today.

Send us a message to schedule a free 30 minute phone consultation.